Friday, April 13, 2007

The breath of spring

I haven't wrote for sometime so thought I would write something . Im so happy that spring is here. Looking forward to getting out in my yard a planting flowers and maybe a small garden. I love this time of year eveything is new again. The promise of new things to come. God is so good.Spring reminds me of all that he has given us and all the good things to come.

Friday, March 9, 2007

I told you so

Well we started the day with a "bang". My husband started for work today as every day and found that his truck had been broken into. They stole his tools that he used for work. Around 700.00 dollars worth. They went through the back window on the truck. I told him when he bought it to have that fixed. Do they listen "no". I tell ya they are worse than children. But boy when something goes wrong who do they run to. So I have spent my day on the phone with the Police and the insurance getting things done. I don't mind that's part of being a wife. I will do anything I can for him but I can't get him to listen and probably never will. I try to look at the bright side it could have been the truck. I love him anyway.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Bad Hair cut.

I want to tell you about the hair cut I have in the picture on my blog. I was in Arizona last year with Leona, and her family. I needed a hair cut so we went to a shop in Sierra Vista. I sat down in the chair and told the girl what I wanted, I even showed her a picture of the hair cut. Well, when someone gets to doing something with my hair I get sleepy. Need less to say that when the hair cut was done, I woke from a little doze, I just about died. When she ask me how it was, all I could say was "it will grow". My daughter was with me and when we got outside I told my daughter that I could comb my hair with a wash rage. She laughed and said it was fine . But it was mighty short. Just goes to show, don't fall asleep while getting a hair cut.


I have been tagged by Leona. The five things that are weird about me.

1. In my old age, I like to stay at home to much, that's what my daughters say.
2. I don't want to ever fly over the ocean, too much water .
3. I don't like to swim in water that I can't see whats beneath me.
4. Don't ask me anything while I'm asleep, cause I will give you what ever you ask for. That could be dangerous.
5. I can't stand it when people smack their lips when they eat, like my husband.
I will add a 6Th one here just for good measure...
6. I don't like things that jump, like frogs, grasshoppers, etc..

Sewing today

" Hello" out there to all you Bloggers. I'm finishing a small quilt that I started many years ago. I do that, start something, then start something else and then say to myself I will finish this later. Well, this is much, much later and I didn't have all that much to finish on it. I will take a picture of it when its done and post it. I also, have two other queen size quilts started. My husband says that I need to finish the ones I have started before I go to another one. Well he is right but he has no room to talk. You should see what he starts and doesn't finish. I love to sew I'm pretty much self taught. I have five children which two are girls, so I sewed for them when they were little. The kids at there school used to ask them, "Does your Mom ever buy anything at the store for you"? So I would tell them that the kids at school were just jealous. One year I made them Ponchos and pants to match.The girls at school wanted to know where they bought them. They said proudly that there Mom made them. I have gone through three sewing machines down through the years .

Have a good day.


Saturday, February 17, 2007

First Post

Never had a Blog before but my daughter thought that I would like one, so here I am. Don't Know what to write but here it goes.
We are going to have our 13Th grandchild in August. We are so looking forward to it . My son and daughter in law got started late, they have one very sweet little girl. She is such a joy in our life,but they all are of coarse. The other day my daughter in law ask my gran daughter where the baby was, and she said in your pants. ha ha I thought it was funny. They can say the darnedest things. I will tell you some more things about my family another day.

You all have a good day and God Bless.